10 Bath Time Tips

Bath Time!
Here are some great tips on the different things to think about when preparing for bath time for your little one!
1. An infant tub – I always chose to co-bathe with my babies because I found it to be easiest and a great way to get skin to skin time. However, not everyone is comfortable with this method and it also may not be practical for everyone. I really enjoyed the Blooming Bath for the first few baths in the sink (and I found it to be a nice kneeling pad for next to the tub once they outgrew it.) The second time around, I discovered the bath ring for sitting babies, and it was incredibly useful from around 5-10 months!! I got one second-hand but this is a similar one here.
2. Towel – If you don’t want to buy specific baby/toddler towels, you could definitely just use a regular adult towel. However, there are many cute hooded towel options! We use this towel and love it! Also my sons were given these adorable robes from a family member, and they are really nice and fun for bath time too!
3. Baby wash – I have used a lot of different washes over time. I have been using this wash for a while now, and have found it to be the most economical one, and I love the scent!
4. Bath toys – As your baby grows, they will start to enjoy playing with toys in the bath. One great idea is to go to the dollar store and buy plastic colanders, measuring cups, and other household items that would lend themselves to bath toys. Foam letters are fun, too! You can use a mesh net like this one to store them in. We also love Green Toys for the bath, particularly the submarine and ferry boat! They are frequently on #lightningdeal, be sure to follow Naptime Deals for updates!
5. Spout Cover – If your tub spout is metal and has hard edges like most do, it could be a hazard if your baby hits his or her head on it. The whale spout cover is a great way to protect your baby from injuring himself on the spout.
6. Cup for rinsing hair – Oh the toddler joys of rinsing hair! I found this rinsing cup to be useful to rinse hair!
7. Bathtub grips – Once the baby starts standing, you don’t want them to fall on a slippery tub. These tub grips are innovative and easy to apply to the bottom of the tub. They don’t get musty/moldy like the regular mats and they also look cool on the bottom of the tub! After using them for 2+ years, though, some of them have peeled off and need to be replaced.
8. Toilet seat cover – When you are ready to start thinking about potty training, it is nice to have a toilet seat with a built in child seat. This way you don’t have to hold them over the potty and they can get used to sitting on the real potty independently. You can also purchase stand alone seats that you place on the potty.
9. Baby toilet – When I wanted my son to start learning about the potty, I got him a baby toilet that was just his size. It is useful to get him excited about the potty and he also can have a choice sometimes between the big potty or his potty. It was also useful during potty training to be able to take it around the apartment with us.
10. Childproofing cabinets – You may need to childproof your cabinets if you have low ones in the bathroom. I really like magnetic locks similar to these. We used these in our living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
My preschooler loves sitting on the regular potty. I will have to try that seat cover with the built in child seat!