Why I love my Slumberpod!

Why I love my Slumberpod!

This post contains affiliate links. Be sure you are following our group Naptime Deals for the latest updates on discount codes on Slumberpod and more! We also share deals on Instagram, and be sure to hop on our Email list so you don’t miss a 

Traveling with a Two Year Old

Traveling with a Two Year Old

This post contains affiliate links. See more information. Traveling at age 2 Traveling at age 2 (he was 2.5 when we traveled) was the easiest age yet! I already posted about our airport and airplane experiences here, but I thought I would do a little follow 

The Secret to Sleeping Through the Night

The Secret to Sleeping Through the Night

This post contains affiliate links. See more information. Need More Sleep? Here’s what you need to know: The Secret to Sleeping Through the Night I have found that the secret to sleeping through the night is that it is a learned skill that some babies just 

2 under 2: Baby and Toddler Schedule

2 under 2: Baby and Toddler Schedule

This post contains affiliate links. See more information.  2 under 2: Everyone seems to be doing it, but no one is talking about how HARD it is. Taking care of these two has me feeling like we are a circus parade. Nevertheless we keep on keepin’ 

How & Why I Schedule

How & Why I Schedule

Find more sleep schedules and sleep stories here. How & Why I Schedule In my current season of life, the schedule has almost driven me insane, but at the same time, it is the only thing that keeps me sane! When I began this motherhood journey 

6 Month Schedule & Second Sleep Story Update

6 Month Schedule & Second Sleep Story Update

This is Part 2 of my Second Sleep Story. Read Part 1 Here. Learn to teach your baby to sleep here. And, find more sleep schedules and sleep stories here. This post contains affiliate links. See more information. 6 Month Update Here we are, at 6.5 months 

A Second Sleep Story & 3-4 Month Schedules

A Second Sleep Story & 3-4 Month Schedules

This is Part 1 of my second baby’s sleep story. You can find the update/Part 2 here. And, find more sleep schedules here. This post contains affiliate links. See more information. A Second Sleep Story The moral of the story is…. there’s no such thing as a 

2 year old schedule

2 year old schedule

Find more sleep schedules and sleep stories here. 2 Year Old Schedule These are the key points that I think are most important to maintaining peace with my 2 year old. It was a long journey with him to get to this point but it was 

A Sleep Story

A Sleep Story

This is the story of how my first baby learned to sleep. You can find my second baby’s story here. and learn how to teach your baby to sleep here. Re-reading this story and the things I learned that I wrote when my first baby 

18 Month Schedule

18 Month Schedule

Find more sleep schedules and sleep stories here. This post contains affiliate links. See more information. 18 Months This was our schedule at 18 months. 7:45 am Wake Up He usually wakes up between 7 and 8 am. He is most often content rolling around in his 

13 Month Schedule

13 Month Schedule

This post contains affiliate links. See more information. Find more sleep schedules and sleep stories here.  13 Months This is the schedule I followed with my now 2 year old and he is still an excellent sleeper! Times can be changed, but what I think is